
SENSUS: mentality; frame of mind

Our methodology combines new ways of thinking, critical design theory, and machine technology with vernacular typologies, a contextual approach, and heritage craftsmanship to create buildings, environments, furniture, and objects that converge in the interstitial space between the old and the new.

Beyond built and professional work, our art and speculative designs focus on the social, cultural, and psychoanalytical implications of the built environment and the impact of narrative spaces on the human condition. This work centers around the expression and creation of ritual through spatial intervention, with an emphasis on understanding how common or collective experiences affect cultural identity and societal norms.

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Our methodology is informed by the lessons learned through experiences as an active and critical observers of the world. Observation and critique have enriched our ability to communicate visually in different architectural and design languages. We are most at home when forging new paths, exploring, and innovating; as a result, our work lies in the liminal space between following the rules and breaking them.

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We believe that unanticipated wonders can be unearthed in attempting to create the impossible and unprecedented within limitations and rulesets — to be both and neither, rather than one and the other. Whatever the scale of the project, we bring a thoughtful consideration of the present user, existing contexts, and a future legacy, while working rigorously to mitigate ecological impacts.